Scrabble on Facebook
I have been playing Scrabble with my mum since I was a teenager.
A Scrabble board game was always a part of: vacationing at a beach house/cottage, afternoon tea, or rainy days at home. We even pulled it out one Christmas morning — obsessed!
The sad part of this story is that I cannot recall the last time we played.
So to change this dry spell, I turned to trusty Facebook, found the game and now the love of Scrabble has been resurrected.
The joys of FB Scrabble are:
You can play one game over several days
You can play with friends that are far far away from you
You have a dictionary at your disposal
You don't need to calculate points (the program does that for you)
BPS photo walk - Andrew's Sugar Factory
On Saturday I went on a photo walk of Andrew's Sugar Factory.
The walk was organised by the Barbados Photographic Society.
Andrew's Sugar Factory is the largest working sugar processing factory in Barbados (sugar from sugar cane). Not only does the factory make one of the highest quality of sugars in the world, it also makes "fuel cane". Fuel cane is a renewable energy source that the factory uses to make more sugar. Amazing!
I got some nice shots that day.
I enjoyed the afternoon light, the steam from the factory and the multitude of textures.
I was not too thrilled with wearing a hard hat.
Celebrating a very special lady's birthday
Today is my mum's birthday!
The celebration of this very important day has been a bit of a marathon.
We spent the weekend at a beach house and entertained friends and family each day.
We ate amazing food, danced to great music, swam in the Caribbean Sea and drank lots of wine.
May the celebrations continue through this week!
Mum with her birthday wine glass! |
The swivel LCD monitor on my Canon 60D
According to multiple reviews the
swivel screen helps Canon 60D (my camera) stand out amongst the rest.
It allows the photographer (me) to take more unique compositions.
The photo below is a prime example.
In this shot my camera is pretty much a centimetre above the sand and I used my swivel screen to let me see what I was doing.
The swivel screen allows you to experiment with many different angles.
Helpful Links:
Get Scrabble on Facebook:
Read more about the Sugar Industry in Barbados:
Get information about Barbados Photographic Society: