Friday, May 13, 2011

Another 21st Birthday - A Pig Roast

So the following photos are from Joe's 21st beach side pig roast. The roast was the Sunday day after Ally's cocktail fete (big dance party), so most of us were a little rough around the edges, but lounging under casuarina trees and sipping Spanish vino was the perfect antidote to the previous night's drinking/dancing/overall-a-late-night escapade.

A party after a party also falls into what many West Indians (or just us Lewises) call a "pong party". A pong party is getting together after "The Party" (of any kind) to discuss what happened at "The Party". Who danced with who? Who drank too much? Who drank too little? How was the DJ? And so forth. The entire saying originating from the sport Ping Pong.

So at "The Party" you: PING
The next day you: PONG

We ponged (oh yes - I turned it into a verb) at a beach house down Cattlewash ("down" meaning located in), which is on the East coast of Barbados and resembles what most people refer to as cottage country. Here is where we get the opportunity to swim in the Atlantic Ocean which is much wilder than the Caribbean Sea. The whole East Coast is pretty rugged and a little further from civilization than is desired for everyday living, hence Bajans use it as a chance to have a getaway from realty. Overall Cattlewash is a great place to rent a basic beach house and just be.

The whole day was idyllic. It was a fantastic location, there was plenty of good food, and the best company. I got some decent shots, so hope you enjoy!

Location: house down Cattlewash

My Dad and Joe (birthday boy) and the other star - The Pig!

Quite the production
Some of the spread - Breadfruit, Pork, Channa (chick peas)

The most popular member of the fam: Cassius (more photos found on his mum's blog: Tinker)
A Toe-riffic Sunday!!

ps. I googled the Plural of Lewis and it was Lewises - in case anyone was wondering :)

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